
Name Position Roles and responsibilities
in our Group
Mr. Li Kam Hung
Executive Director,
chairman of the Board and
chief executive officer
Responsible for the overall strategic planning,
project management and business
direction of our Group
Mr. Yu Ming Ho
Executive Director Responsible for the overall management,
administrative matter and
daily operation of our Group
Mr. Yau Yan Ming Raymond
Executive Director Responsible for overall management and
strategic planning of the Group
Mr. Li Chun Ho
Non-executive Director Responsible for providing management and
marketing advice to our Group
Ms. Rita Botelho Dos Santos non-executive Director Responsible for overseeing our Group with an independent perspective and judgment
Mr. Wu Chou Kit non-executive Director Responsible for overseeing our Group with an independent perspective and judgment
Mr. Lam Chi Wing non-executive Director Responsible for overseeing our Group with an independent perspective and judgment


Senior Management

Name Position

Mr. Lam Wai Kei

Company Secretary

Mr. Yau Wing Fung

Chief Operating Officer

Mr. Li Kam Chi, Kennedy

Chief Financial Officer